I just bought our flights to head up to Michigan for Christmas. We'll be up for 2 weeks. We will be flying up on the 18th, arriving at 12:30pm. I will be heading straight to the Coney Island for lunch, you can find me there. We are flying back on the 1st, leaving Michigan at 5:30pm. There will be much Chinese food consumed in between those dates.
I think my dad offered up his car for us to use, so we will take that. We are still working out arrangements on where we will stay. We might rent a house with Sarah's parents for some of the time. It is just nice to have a place to go to where the kids can be loud and cry because we keep them up to late when we come to visit.
See everyone in just over a month.
For the record the Michigan Butchers would like to get in on a wee bit of that Chinese food consumption.
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