2010 - 0, The Wynns - 1. That's right, we kicked 2010's butt, wiped the floor with it. Moved the whole family across the country, started a new job, new routines, new friends, everything and we came out pretty good if I do say so myself. We have a busy 2011 ahead of us, so look out.
New Year's resolutions you ask, ha not for this family. I have never been a resolution kind of a guy, we always have goals that we are working towards, but those goals cannot be stipulated to by a calendar. They happen when they are ready to happen, not because the calendar says May or June.
In other news, Ella lost another tooth. The other front bottom one this time, she lost it in school while in class, it just popped out she said. The tooth fairy got a little stuck and only had a $5 on her, that was it, so this tooth was worth $5. Good thing the tooth fairy wasn't stuck with only a $50 or $100.
I have started another blog to track my renewed interest in brewing my own beer. Follow along, hilarity and failure will undoubtedly ensue - Little Monkey Homebrew.
I was able to earn Silver status on Delta airlines from all of my travel last year. Free upgrades all next year baby, should come in handy on a flight to LA next week...
Finally, thank you all for the presents and warm holiday wishes. Sorry we did not send out any cards this year, we were just a bit busy through December and just did not get to it. I hope everyone enjoyed your holidays, we sure did.
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